The negation of negation

美 [ðə nɪˈɡeɪʃn əv nɪˈɡeɪʃn]英 [ðə nɪˈɡeɪʃn ɒv nɪˈɡeɪʃn]
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The negation of negationThe negation of negation
  1. Look back thirty years ago , but in fact the negation of negation , we get a higher rise .


  2. If the negation of negation is sieved as a baseline and moderated and symbolized , the model of " syllogism " in the process of the negation of negation will be expressed as a periodic link .


  3. The negation of the negation is a concrete path of the circle type development for the system .


  4. The " Negation of Negation " of the Definition of Music form in Chinese Opera Singing


  5. Application of the Law of Negation of Negation in Design


  6. What is the position of negation of negation law in dialectics ?


  7. Unity is an important characteristic of the law of negation of negation . But till now , it has been scarcely studied .


  8. On the Periodical of Negation of Negation


  9. In addition , the law of negation of negation reveals the law of theoretical evolution , which has an important directing significance and a reference value for theorists to study new theory .


  10. Part two , the application of negation of negation in teaching vocal music , first analyzes and expounds the significance of maintaining dialectic negation against the static , isolated and one-sided approach to things of the world .


  11. And herein , only the law of negation of negation is the " one and only law of motion ", which generalizing the development progress of everything as a whole , while the other two laws is just a certain part of it .


  12. Also discussed the intermediary , the negation of negation and so on .


  13. The law of the negation of negation only deals with the contradiction between content and form .


  14. Any phenomenon in biosphere has the univeristy of the negation of negation .


  15. The method of the negation of the concept negation ;


  16. The paper analyzes the course of negation of negation of the divorce in the history of marriage . That is to say , the substance and inseparability of marriage in Middle Ages negated the relaxation of primeval marriage .


  17. The Integral Character of the Law of Negation of Negation


  18. The Maximal Truth Theory & the Negation of the Negation of Objective Truth


  19. The architectural development appeared as the law of the negation of negation , which the outline of architectural development was disclosed .


  20. According to the basic formula of his system ," the negation of the negation ", Hegel develops the essence in syllogism : theme , antitheses , synthesis . First , the essence itself .


  21. Then , through court mediation trends change , it is proved the court mediation system has experienced the process of negation of negation , the system itself has reached a new level , while the court mediation system should also be undertaken at this level .


  22. The definition is difficult to be defined because of the negation of negation of " fiction-nonfiction-fiction " in its development course .


  23. In other words , all of the universe , all without exception is in accordance with the laws of negation of negation of operation .


  24. The first chapter we through literature , summed up the definition of implicit negation of negation , and the content of implicit negation is divided into negative conversation meaning and negative presupposition of two parts .


  25. New-Platonism 's dialectic thought mainly represents the thought of the unitarity and motion of the world , of the negation of negation , and of the unity of opposites of the category theory .


  26. The wave-like progress is , therefore , an unmistakable expression of the law of negation of negation .


  27. Will be full of hardships and doubt in the process of creation , this road will go not very well , but only for the courage of negation of negation of sweet in return .


  28. The correlation of the knowledge management and technology innovation has historical and specific unity , their interaction show progression of the negation of negation .


  29. The philosophy in future will be the growing up human metaphysics or cultural philosophy . This is the developing process of the negation of negation including three stages : traditional metaphysics , spurning of metaphysics and human metaphysics .


  30. The pursuit to the small-school has already gone beyond the meaning of the small-school in history and has reached the stage of the negation of negation to the small-scale school in history .
